Why is the division dead? I feel it is simply b/c there are no real teams anymore in the WWE. Why is this? I'm not sure. Part of it is I feel is the way they have marketed the business in that it is an everyman for himself business now, and thus hard for individuals to stay tied down with another person without wanting to pursue their own singles career. Another thing may be that wrestlers no longer want to stay with teams for long periods of time. Perhaps Vince McMahon himself is no longer a fan of tag team wrestling. Maybe I'm in the minority and fans no longer want to see the tag division. Whatever the case maybe, the division is more or less dead.
The good news for fans of tag team wrestling, like myself, is that there is hope for bringing the division back, if the WWE wishes to do so. It was recently suggested on the radio show "Right After Wrestling" that the Kings of Wrestling from the Ring of Honor promotion be brought in to help save the division. Now having looked up some youtube clips of this team, let me tell you that this team has the serious potential to be the greatest of all time! I've honestly never seen a team that utilizes moves together like they do. However, if they were to join the WWE, I fear they may not last as a team. In part b/c of what one of them said during an interview with Right After Wrestling, saying although he would love to come as a team, he feels they could each make it individually. Also, I'm not sure Vince would let them stay together as a team. And the last flaw is that as of now, there is no real division to compete with them and thus keep the interest in their team alive.
This is why I have come up with a plan that I feel could help save the tag team division without having to bring in the Kings of Wrestling, although I do hope they do sign with the WWE someday! First off the WWE needs to push, re-unite, and keep together the following teams whom are already in the WWE:
The Usos are finally getting pushed as an actual team, which is one of the few things the WWE had done with the tag division in years! Keep doing what your doing with them.
Re-unite the Hart Dynasty. What are they doing now as singles competitors? Nothing, exactly! This was a good team that seemed to work well together. Had great potential till Vince decided to split them. They are clearly a better team then they are singles competitors. have Brett Hart come one and re-unite them or something.
Keep Legacy going as a team instead of two individual competitors whom are just friends. Debiase and Rhodes had a nice run, and have potential for another. Neither have really excelled as singles competitors, and like the Hart Dynasty, seem to do better as a tag team.
Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov. I don't love this team, they don't really feel like an actual team. However the WWE has kept them together consistently for approx a year now. Teams are more like teams if they have matching out fits and/or have a team name, which this team does neither. Yet the given the weak nature of the tag division at this time, I feel in order to help get things going, it is important to keep this team together and have them be part of the mix.
There we have 4 established teams, which is a good start, but now enough to keep an entire division together. I have no problem with putting two singles competitors together and making them a team, but if your going to do that, MAKE THEM AN ACTUAL TEAM! Do not just make it two borderline "jobbers" thrown together like the team the WWE has representing the company as the champions right now. This team I'm going to throw at you is pretty much out of no where, but I think has serious potential to be a really great team:
Another way a team like Miz and Swagger get a good push, and would really help the tag division is to hold a tag team tournament. Strip the two chumps that have the belts now of the titles (make up some excuse: injury, losing too many non-title matches, being associated with CM Punk, ect) and have a tournament for the vacant titles. I've already listed 5 teams that could be in the tournament, and you could for now throw in 3 sort of make shift teams to fill in the rest of the field (I'm sure the Bushwhackers are available for a first round quicky.) Have the semi-finals be the Usos, Hart Dynasty, Legacy, and the Awesome Athletes. Then go from there. You could have various story lines and rivalries branch off from there.
I do think the WWE needs for then 5 established teams to totally bring back the division, but this would be a good start. Its just a matter of if the WWE has any desire to do so!
Thanks for reading, would love to hear what you think of my proposal and would like to hear you thoughts.
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